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Bebo Skinz

25/03/07 Hey Guys
Welcome to my bebo skinz page! This AngelFire page is currently underconstruction, so you must bare with me for a little bit!First to be added is the step by step guide on how to create the perfect main background, try messing around with your photoshop so you familiarise yourself with the tools!
What you need to know about Beboskinz
you dont have to be Van Gogh to create bebo skinz, all you need is a clear idea, a photoshop studio or paint, and an hour to spare!
All bebo skinz are made up of only 7 graphics, yes 7, nav bar, background, icon etc etc, then its just settin your text colours and your done! This will be explained in more details later
yes i am taking orders but please be patient, i do have a life off the computer1
???????? Handy places of interest
Places like soft 32 (link to be added) has the complete directory on photoshops!

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Soft32, photoshops etc