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who are americanheroes
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ameican heroes
Sunday, 1 October 2006
Mood:  irritated
who are the true AMERICAN HEROES Hollywood, the media, or our men and women who serve our country
over seas and on AMERICAN soil our ems,firefighters,police,etc . YOU tell me!!!! why does it seem as though our men and women don't matter pp just want to be heard . THIS SHOULD NOT BECOME ANOTHER VIETNAM the AMERICAN people should stand behind our soilders and our President cause a houes that is divied is a house that will fall. what we need to do is pray, stand firm as Americans that we stop crying over here whos right whos wrong while our soilders our protecting us over seas. while our kids are being gun down in schools we sit here I'm right no you'er wrong what the hell is going on why are we repeating history of the 60's and 70's

Posted by planet/ at 8:35 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 2 October 2006 2:32 PM EDT
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