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You catch your breath as you pop of from between on a green's back.

"Look, I've got to go now," says the green weyrling, "But the weyrleader can handle you from here."

You look around and see a man who looks about in his mid-thirties. You can tell he is the weyrleader by his shoulder knots. He is wearing a blue outfit with gold trimming. You look beside him and see a huge bronze, with brown and blue weavings under his belly.

"Hello, my name is T'beit and I am the weyrleader around here. Normally, my weyrmate, Weyrwoman Altania, would show you around. However, she is currently pregnant along with her dragon, Myth, a rare silver. Perhaps I'll take you to the room she is in with her second, Genaby. Now, where would you like to go?"

Places to Go (Under construction, more places coming soon.)

T'beit's Weyr
The Hatching Sands