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10 Reasons Why Amanda Spicer Sucks..
1)She is a dumbass
2)She licks balls all the time
3)She likes snatch cracks
4)She makes out with girls
5)Her underwear is cruddy
6)She plays with herself when she watches Barney
7)She eats her boogers
8)She has a penis
9)She has a hairy chest
10)She has cactus legs

All About Amanda Because She Is A Dumbass

Amanda grew up in a little town called Murphysboro. She was dropped off at dale bramlett's house when she was a baby because her mom didnt want her. She survived off eating banana peels and occasional leftovers that people walking on the sidewalk threw to her. Her favorite thing in the world was to dig threw dumpsters and look for other peoples underwear and lick the crotches of them. She liked it. Alot. One day amanda set her cardboard box on fire on accident when she tried to burn a wart off of her raisin. She cried all day and all night because she had nowhere to sleep at. Finally she walked to the park where she found a twirly slide, where she slept for 2 weeks, until she found herself a new cardboard box. So Amanda got her box and a few banana peels and she lived happily ever after. THE END.

Amanda Sucks Hairy Nuts