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This Is Gonna Be Good


Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy:

If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go
real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy
and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.

The name of Christopher incorporates a potential aptitude for concentration and patient, logical thought along mechanical or scientific lines. You tend to prefer to follow normal routine rather than cope with the disruption and uncertainty entailed in trying something new. You gravitate to situations where you have stability and the opportunity to make slow step-by-step progress, preferably in a technical field. Procrastination and lack of self-confidence may restrict your success. You enjoy associating with others, and would not be happy living or working alone. This name tends to make you dependent upon others, and you find it difficult to face issues or important decisions without relying upon others for advice and encouragement. This name undermines positivity, with the result that you can be influenced against your better judgment. You find it difficult to say "no" and mean it. This name is not conducive to good health, and tends to engender the desire for heavy foods, for example, excessive protein and carbohydrates. You could suffer with problems relative to the fluid functions or intestinal tract such as constipation, growths, swelling of the legs and ankles or over-stoutness.

NEW!! Find Out What Your Name Means!!!

Quote Of The Day:

I like my coffee like I like my women,


Joke Of The Day:

The Top 10 Reasons Why It Sucks To Be A Dick

10. You've got a hole in your head.
9. Your master strangles you all the time.
8. Your head is disproportionate to the rest of your body.
7. You shrink in cold water.
6. You never get a haircut.
5. You always hang around with 2 nuts.
4. Your closest neighbor is an asshole.
3. Your best friend is a pussy.
2. Your scalp gets cut off if you're Jewish.

And the number one reason why it sucks to be a dick:

1. Everytime you get excited, you throw up.

Random Funny Stuff: Zen thoughts of the day

Duct tape is like the Force.
It has a light side and a dark side,
and it holds the universe together.



Drunk Girl in the Shower......HILARIOUS!!

Robin Williams For President?

Why Syracuse ROCKS!!

This is a man who fears no one, check it out!

Try This Eye Exam

Random Funny Cartoons

Some Pictures from 'Cuse

Interesting Commercial!  Check it out

An Ordinary Night Out In Syracuse?

Kids Conception Of Love...Its Cute

Talk About Cruelty To Animals, Absolutely Hilarious

These Kids Know How To Rave!!!

Osama In Syracuse?  You Decide

Got Warrik??


Men's Excuse for Multitasking:

"The reason why men can't multi-task as well as women is because women have a higher level of estrogen and more connectors between the left and right brain. Men with a high level of testosterone usually can't function in a multi-task situation and will usually lose their temper and head butt the wall in frustration. These men are usually prejudiced against homosexuals or flamboyant men and sometimes have a uni-brow."

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