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National Park Huascaran - Peru



National Park Huascaran

It's a Conservation Unit, which this natural area is assigned for the protection and preservation of the Flora, Fauna and landscapes of the Cordillera Blanca. Because of this, in the National Park, is absolutely prohibited to exploit or the use, directly of the natural resources, as the same for the human settlements.

However, its permitted the entry of visitors, with the purpose of scientific studies, educational, recreational and cultural, but under special conditions and with a permit of the authorities of the park.

OBJECTIVES : -To protect and preserve the patrimony of the flora, the fauna, the geological formations, the archaeological sites and landscapes in the Cordillera Blanca. -Promote the scientific investigation of the natural resources. -To divulge, in the region, in the nation and international, the natural and historical values, of the National Park Huascarán. -To stimulate and control the development of tourism in the areas of the park. -Contribute to a better standard of the living of the communities, as much as the population that surrounds it. -To prevent the contamination of the environment in the park area.

LOCATION: The National Park Huascarán, is located north of Lima in the Cordillera Blanca, department of Ancash. Latitude L.S. 8°35'-10°05' L.W.77°05'-77°50'

CLIMATE : The National Park, has two seasons. Having multiple microclimates in the different ecological floors. The rainy season is in between November and April. The dry season from May to October, being June to August, the driest months and also the coldest.


Shrub 2 mts. tall. Orange or red trumpet-shaped flower, has a mint smell. Grows at 3,500 to 4,400 mts. Used as a tea to help digestion.

Plant of 45 cms. tall. Has golden flower heads, soft leaves of grayish-white color.

Grows on the puna at 4,100 to 4,400 mts. Used for treating coughs.

Vine of tubular bells; pink-reddish sepals cover; yellow petals with purple spots in the inside. Grows at 3,900 to 4,850 mts.

  • Matucana yanganucensis
  • Cactus Family
  • Cactaceae

Barrel-shaped cactus, 10 to 30 cms. diameter, flowers are bright magneta to scarlet, pink with numerous spines. Grows at 3,500 to 3,600 mts.

  • Brachyotum rostratum
  • Melastomataceae

Shrub of 1.5 to 2 mts. tall.

Flowers are tubular with violet petal and red calyx. Lance-shaped leaves.

Grows at 3,600 to 4,400 mts.

  • ICHU
  • Stipa ichu
  • Grasses Family
  • Poaceae(Gramineae)

Grass of 50 cms. to 1 mt. tall. Stems are light brown and very sharp.Grows at 3,000 to 4,600 mts. Used to making roofs of huts.

  • Gynoxys sp.
  • Composite Family
  • Asteraceae

Tree of 5 to 7 mts. tall. Has yellow flowers, leaves are dark green on the top and greyish-white on the bottom. Grows at 3,300 to 4,500 mts. Used as firewood.

  • Monnina salicifolia
  • Polygalaceae

Shrub of 2 to 3 mts tall.

Flowers of blue or violet color with a yellow lip, lanced-shaped leaves.

Grows at 2,600 to 4,800 mts. Used as a dye.

  • Lupinus sp.
  • Sweet Pea Family
  • Fabaceae

Shrub of 1 mt. tall. Blue-violet flowers with a yellow center, leaves are grayish-green. Grows at 3,700 to 4,000 mts. A cultivated variety is eaten.


  • Lupinus weberbauerii
  • Sweet Pea Family
  • Fabaceae

Erect herbaceaus plant of 1 to 1.20 mts. tall.

Has a single stem in the middle and grayish-green leaves. Grows at 4,200 to 4,200 mts.

  • Browallia multiflora
  • Potatoe Family
  • Solanacea

Plant of 30 to 40 cms. tall. Flower of light violet color. It's called MAY FLOWER. Grows at 4,200 to 4,600 mts.

  • Bomarea dulcis
  • Lily Family
  • Liliaceae

Vine with tubular bells.Reddish-pink with dark purple or black edges; in the inside its yellow with green color.Grows at 3,900 to 4,800 mts.

  • Solanum hispidum
  • Potato Family
  • Solanaceae

Shrub of 1 to 1.5 mts. tall; violet flowers with yellow anthers. Grows at 3,000 to 3,800 mts.

  • Calceolaria sp.
  • Snapdragon Family
  • Scrophulariaceae

Shrub of 1 to 2 mts. tall; yellow slippershape flower.

Grows at 3,400 to 4,300 mts. Used as a diuretic.

  • Pterichis triloba
  • Orchid Family
  • Orchidaceae

Orchid of 30 to 50 cms.tall; yellow white flowers, arranged in a raeme shape. Grows at 3,700 to 4,000 mts.

  • PUPA
  • Tristerix longibracteatus
  • Mistel Toe Family
  • Loranthaceae

Parasitic shurb of 40 to 60 cms.tall; orange red flowers that have a shape of thin trumpets. Grows on the trees such as the quenual or japru at 3,700 to 4,500 mts. Its used as a black dye.

  • Puya angusta
  • Bromeliad Family
  • Bromeliaceae

Plant that has a long stem of 1.5 mts.tall; leaves have a hook tipe spine on its edges; flowers dark gray.

  • Polylepis sp.
  • Rose Family
  • Rosaceae

Tree of 10 to 12 mts.tall; orange colored bark, that peels in sheets. Grows at 3,500 to 4,500 mts. Its used as a dye and cooking wood.

  • Spartium junceum
  • Sweet Pea Family
  • Fabaceae

Shrub of 1 to 1.5 mts.tall; yellow flowers. Grows up to 3,500 mts. Used as a dye.

  • Krapfia weberbauerii
  • Buttercup Family
  • Ranunculaceae

Plant of 20 to 30 cms.tall; the flower has a red cover with a yellow inside. Grows at 4,100 to 4,700 mts.

  • Senecio comosus
  • Composite Family
  • Asteraceae

Plant of 50 cms.tall; yellow flowers; serrated leaves. Grows at 3,500 to 4,500 mts.

  • Salvia oppositiflora
  • Mint Family
  • Lamiaceae

Plant of 50 to 60 cms.tall; red tubular flower.Grows at 3,200 to 3,500 mts.

  • Oreocallis graniflora
  • Proteaceae

Shrub of 2 to 3 mts.tall; Reddishpink, cream flower. Grows at 3,400 to 3,900 mts.

  • Villadia imbricata
  • Orpine Family
  • Crassulaceae

Succulent plant of 10 to 15 cms.tall; white star shape flower with red stem. Grows at 3,800 to 3,900 mts.

  • Masdevallia amabilis
  • Orchid Family
  • Orchidaceae

Orquid of 20 to 25 cms.tall; red flower with 3 pointed petals. Grows at 3,600 to 3,900 mts.

  • Opuntina flocossa
  • Cactus Family
  • Cactaceae

Cactus that grows in colonies; red and pink flowers. Grows at 3,900 to 4,500 mts.

  • Cassia hookeriana
  • Sweet Pea Family
  • Fabaceae

Shrub of 1 to 2 mts.tall; yellow flowers. Grows at 2,600 mts. to 3,300 mts. Used as dye.

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