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WeyrLeader Pet'r

Personal Information
Name: Pet'r
(Peter before Impression)
Position: WeyrLeader
Dragon's Colour: Bronze
Dragon's name: Penseth

Appearance and Information:
Age: 28
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Family: Twin sister aHW Petra, nephew Benj, weyrmated to WW Aryana, adoptive father of Jasmine
Pets: Bronze Flitter, Ryu

Born in Bitra, Pet'r and Petra's mother and father, Amril and Zechial (both now deceased) moved the young twins to Fort not long after their third birthdays.
Pet'r was apprenticed to a Smithery at the appropriate age, and hardly gave a thought to impression until he Impressed out of the sands 11 years ago during a visit to Fort Weyr. Petra however, wisely chose not to attempt Impression, instead concentrating on her 'studies' under the Fort HW. As a result, when it came time for Pet'r to leave the Fort area, the two parted ways in body, but not in spirit, often writing to each other Via 'Flittermail'.

Penseth's victory in Aurorath's flight was unexpected, but Pet'r has tried to do his best to be 'up to task'.

Favourite quote:
"Hide work yet to give back to people. Check. Hide work yet to check, check. Hide work yet to do, check. Pen with which to DO hide work, *looks at desk completely covered with hides* uh oh...."