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Members Site


August 30th
Sorry for the length between posts. I have been really busy. We have quite a few mebers now and I have submitted our site to search engines. Pretty soon we will have a decent site, but I am still working.
August 5th
We have just started. Hopefully the American Anole Association will soon have members. I have posted on all the major Anole Message Boards to attract members.

Baby Anoles

Our Eggs should be hatching or hatched by now, with the baby anoles in our terraria we should be aware of a few things. They must have very small crickets or Fruit flies to eat. The Anoles should be given dusted food as to help their bone growth, and of course the baby anoles should be kept away from large crickets, and other lizard species though it is rare for an anole to canibilize larger lizards or geckos will think nothing of it.

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