About Myself

Hello, this page was created to tell a little about the person behind the poems (good or not)...me. My name is Mira, and I'm in the youth spectrum of Michigan (meaning, I'm young).

I created this Poetry website a while ago, to have a first hand experience with the new powers of the internet, and to express my own words, which I hold so dear. Along with writing, I also play the french horn, and hope to turn my poems into a book collection or lyrics in the future.

Though it may seem un-important to the masses, I believe I must in some way pay tribute to those who add to my inspiration, my friends, below will be small samples of how much you all mean to me.

Bob- You have always been one of my best and closest friends, on so many levels. I've missed so much of what we had, jokes and little things and such, but even though I barely see you, we are still friends, and I still value you so much...just don't be too honored you're at the top of the list, it's in alphabetical order, dear :) .

Jamie- If I had to call any one person my best of best friends, I think I'd have to choose you, I value everyone else so much, but no one understands me like you do. We connect on some pretty deep and personal levels, and I think that's special. I can tell you most anything, and I think that you've told and trusted in me a lot too. I know sometimes I can be a bit crazy, you you're one of my best friends, and I love you for everything you do, no matter how you change and what you do.

Joe- I thought the legecy of the trombones would be lost forever, untill I became friends with you, I know you'll keep it alive, please, just try not to murder certain section mates, eh? (I knew you'd be evil) In any case, you're extremly cool, I just wish you didn't hate me in the age of Bob-dom, do us a favor and become drum major next year, eh?

Steve Con.- You're a jolly ol' soul and a really good friend. I'm glad I got to know you better even if it didn't turn out great it the end, I'm better for it. And acting out animal farm with a tape despencer? priceless. Keep on obsessing aboot the USSR, you're a cool flaming fish, and I'll certainly never forget you.

Chris- I had such a repressed side before I met you, and no, it wasn't sexual (fiend)...ok so it was pretty much anime, combat methods, elves, and all that other good stuff we connect on so well. You've taught me a whole lot and helped me along the way, you never seem to not care (whether that's true or not :*) ) I'll never forget you, or the times we've had, I can only hope you won't forget me.

Jeff- I always knew you were cool, but I hadn't known the huge extent untill lately, we've grown closer in the past few months, and it's been great talking about horoscopes, lulls in conversation, books, etc. even if you did try to make me run like Lara Croft. I can only hope we get closer in the following years, as well as prove you wrong about french horns.

Steve- One of the few people, who's opinions I can't openly change, sure there are others, but none that will argue and win duels quite so much. I'm glad you're there to tell me I'm full of it sometimes, even if you don't say quite that. You accomplish a great deal at whatever you choose, and I know you'll go far because of it, thanks for always saying hi, even if it's follwed immediately by a bye.

Sarah- Well well, if it isn't sarah the cud. Just kidding, sorry my earest. In the last year we've grown so incredibly close, and you're one of the best friends I could ever ask for. You've always been there for me, and know exactly how I feel, while still telling me the truth. I can trust and beleive you. You are a great friend...and a very cute one too ;-) sorry ear...anywho, you're a great one, thanks for everything.

Aubrey- Sure our brother's are cool...but I still think we're cooler :-D especially together, sorry for making you dance...which we all know led up to the "shoe incident" as I shall call it hence forth. You make me laugh and be happy, and somehow I always think you understand. I just wish we connected sooner, perhaps at one of the nights our brothers were together, but in any case, it took a jamie mostly, and now we're all good friends, even if I don't get all of your insiders.

Brent- I've valued you for a long time as a good friend, who always seemed to understand. I think I could of told you anything, and I think I did... since you always knew what my poems meant. You have no idea how much that means to me. I wish you the best in your life to come, I hope the smooth sailing you've not nearly experienced enough of soon arives. You are so good at heart, just remember and live by that and I know all will be well.

Michelle- You are always so positive, and so wise too. You tell me when I'm dead wrong, and I love you so much for that, I can only hope are friendship will continue to get stronger. There's very little I could ever say bad about you, you are such a good person, who always works so hard, and sees the truth. Thank you for being this way.

Mallory- I hate to make you last, but it's not my fault your name starts with a Y. Anyhow, without you, I wouldn't have had such good band experiences, friends, or such an awsome band life. You took me in the first days of rookie camp, for no reason but kindness, and though there've been rocks in our path, you put so much effort into making things better, and have come a long, long way. You are truly a remarkable person, and have no idea how much your friends truly love you, because we do.

Background courtesy of The Background Boutique.


Email: alainia@angelfire.com