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My Geri Tribute.

It all started with that funky, wild song "Wannabe", but blossomed the pathway to success for the biggest band on earth. Well, It was the least thing I expected! For the Five girls who once sang with Confidence, and honesty "Listen up take me advice, we need FIVE for the power of Spice!" For one the most Intellagent, Sexy, Kind, and confident members of the group, to just leave. Why she left?? It seemed She wanted to fulfill things beyond the Spice Girls. And she has proven so. But To leave the group who's friendship ment more than anything. And Who once said" If any of us left, It wouldn't be the same!" Well, She sure proved that right!!

Now after leaving the group, Ginger needed some time off, and some time away. Away from all the media. But soon after her time off, The fresh new Geri, the one no more apart of the most succesful pop-group of the 90's, Looked almost "unrecognizable" by parision photographers. Her new image was quite a ton down from her overly worn make-up, and flashy clothes. She seemed so different. Although changeing her image since her departure, many say she has become more involved with good charities, and causes. But the four remaining Spice Girls, seem almost naked without Ginger to. Now that Ginger has departed from the Spice Girls, something just is missing, something, is just not there. Without Geri, who will sing "So tell me watcha want, watcha really, really want!!". Without Ginger, who will Fill one of the letters in the "Spice" Logo? Without ginger, who will sing the spanish rap in "If U Can't Dance"?? Without Ginger, There is a part of the Spice Girls that seems so empty!

The Spice Girls, although without Ginger, Continued with the tour, and with the Spice Girls. They're soon also came more setbacks though. For It was announced that both Victoria, and Melanie.B(now Mel.G)where nearly 3 months pregnant. But both girls claimed they were not leaving the group on account of the births, But would be temporarely taking time off!! As for Ginger, She still remained to make headlines, even without being in the Spice Spotlight. Geri seemed confident on her own. Joining fundraisers and charirties for breast cancer and such. But especially, the auction of her many Spicey clothes and costumes. The money made from the auction was donated to one of Geri's favorite charoties: the Sargent Cancer Care Center for Children. Geri seemed to be fine on her own, But didn't she feel lonely without the other girls???

"Frienship never ends" the Spice Girls Once sang in their mega-hit "Wannabe". "I think our friendship is the most important thing really!! That it fundamentally what the Spice Girls are fundamentally about, FRIENSHIP" said Ginger when interviewed On "Top Of The Pops" special. The Spice Girls never failed to make it clear that they we're terrific friends, although had their arguments, were always best of friends. They also explained that although Geri had left the group, they were still "best mates". Which seemed more than likely. But one event that gave me real doubts about that, was When Mel.G(at that state in time melb)had her wedding to Spice Boy Dancer Jimmy Gulzar, and while this wedding occured, footage was shown of Geri herself walking threw an airport, and was asked by a reporter "Aren't you supposed to be at Mel.B's wedding??" Her reply was:"I haven't invited". But it was more than what she said, It was the way it was spoken. She seemed very akward, and almost trying to hold back saying it in a upsetting way. What also surprized me, was a comment made by Mel.G. which stated:"Well, Geri didn't sing much when you think about it". It seems that Mel.B is giveing Geri more than the cold shoulder! But althought his may seem suspicious, We should try to remember the Days before the dreadful departure. Let's remember how good the girls got along, and what a terrific group they made.

We should remember the Spice Girls and what a Sexy, smart, funny, and unique group the Spice Girls where with Geri. For they where unlike those pre-packaged pop-acts, who are told what do, told what to wear, told what to say, told how to say it, told how to dance, and etc. The Spice Girls where confident, and intellagent and had complete control.And where capabile of makeing thier OWN decisions. And their example proved to give confidence to girls across the nation. It for once showed that girls should not be shunned by society, or be dominated over becuase of their sex, or to be discouraged from any job or gaol they wanted to achive. They tought Young girls, and older woman, to speak up for yourself, love yourself, and never let anyone, tell you what to do. But it was One of the members who proved to fulfill this entire example, She is none other than Geri Haliwele herself. Even the Four remaining Spice Girls in a interview, aggreed that out of all of them, Ginger Spice, Geri Haliwele, was the member with most Girl power. To the fans she has not left the public, but has left a part of the Spiceworld, A part which no one can replace, For maybe one day, a reunion of all five members might occur with luck, But if It could, if it should occur, we will add as a delicate treasure to the Once but not gone "Spice Forse Five"!! Goodbye Ginger, There are still those moments in pictures and on video, and in the albums which we can see your part of the Spice Girls, this is for You!!!

MY VERY RARE, Geri Pic Page!!(includes old=new photo sessions, etc.!)

Ginger Spice Status.

FULL NAME: Geraldine Estalle Halliwell
BIRTH DATE: August 6, 1972
ETHNIC BACKGROUND: Half-Spanish, Half-English
MUSIC LIKES: Madonna, Garbage, and No Doubt
INTERESTS: Elvis, Expressing herself, People who stick up for their beleives, Freedom, and her imagination.
DISLIKES: Conformity
OTHER JOBS: Cleaner, barmaid, aerobics teacher, assistant on turkish t.v. show.
FAV MOVIE: Titanic
FAV PASTIME: Going to clubs with friends and dancing.
FAV HOBBIES: Dancing, Reading, Expressing herself
FAV IDOLS: Madonna, Princess Dians, And Margaret Thatcher
PERSONAL WISH: To be Queen!!