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Dr Dan Burisch Area 51 Microbiologist

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"... The above clearly implies that dan and marci are currently heads of majestic 12."

Re: The Golden Thread, Volume 5.5

by UncleJohn » Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:31 pm eagles disobey wrote:

"1) Dr. Dan's left hand ring finger as he kissed the Bible. The bright object is a ring, the Old Signet Ring of the Consistory of the Majestic. It was fashioned in 1948 for the first MJ1, and bears an "Ark of the Covenant" atop a gold ring. Further history, description, and reason it was worn by him cannot be publicly stated.

3) Dr. Dan was wearing a "33" pin on his left Lapel. The pin is fashioned from a gold base. It bears a "33" inside an upward pointing black equilateral triangle. The triangle sets on the breast of a double-headed Eagle. The talons of the Eagle hold a sword. There sets a symbol of "Majesty" atop the Eagles head, a red puffed crown. Further information about why he wears it is not available publicly.

7) Dr. Marci is wearing the Old Cloissone of the Consistory of the Majestic, made of Gold. The reason it was worn by her is not available to the public. It was fashioned in 1948 for the first MJ1, to be worn on the inside of the left coat Lapel during times of meetings of the 12. Customarily, the MJ1 would keep "his" wallet inside his left coat pocket and his touching it was to be a reminder to him of from whom his power flows. (Dr. Marci usually keeps her small wallet with "cards" inside her left exterior coat pocket, immediately above a small one of which was this cloissone.) The cloisonne bears a black enamel Maltese Cross, with a symbol of the Holy Bible at its center, and a wreath behind its arms. Atop the cross is a Symbol of Majesty (a crown), around the wreath are panels containing markings which cannot be further commented on publicly.

Uncle John here: The above clearly implies that dan and marci are currently heads of majestic 12.

It is not clear who is mj1 and mj2? They both are under complete control of the offworlders and are probably unaware of this. Wonder if they get to approve of the next false flag event? Wonder if they get to approve of whacking some human for getting a little too close to the offworlders?

The beings that are really in charge would not need or want any trappings of authority to wear such as jewelry.

All we are seeing at sneds is a parade and we all know, "I love a parade."

[FYI: some scattered historical notes about "Uncle John". (enjoy!)


[the above post in fuller detail]

eagles disobey wrote: PUBLIC UPDATE BY EAGLES DISOBEY!

Eagles has received a number of image questions from the images that were published of Drs. Dan and Marci being "sworn in." The answers were requested to be made public, with a description or history of the items if we can provide that, and the reasons why worn. Ok.

( image of dan and marci wearing various pins )

1) Dr. Dan's left hand ring finger as he kissed the Bible. The bright object is a ring, the Old Signet Ring of the Consistory of the Majestic. It was fashioned in 1948 for the first MJ1, and bears an "Ark of the Covenant" atop a gold ring. Further history, description, and reason it was worn by him cannot be publicly stated.

2) & 5) The "bumps"/"items" are from microphones which recorded the Oath from the perspective of both Drs. Dan and Marci.

3) Dr. Dan was wearing a "33" pin on his left Lapel. The pin is fashioned from a gold base. It bears a "33" inside an upward pointing black equilateral triangle. The triangle sets on the breast of a double-headed Eagle. The talons of the Eagle hold a sword. There sets a symbol of "Majesty" atop the Eagles head, a red puffed crown. Further information about why he wears it is not available publicly.

4) Both reflections (blue on the bottom, and white on the top) are from light hitting Dr. Marci's scarf.

6) The Symbol of Marci's Order, SoF (no further information available publicly at this time), worn as a member, is a "Key" pointing downward, with a Symbol of Majesty (a crown) above, and a special Gold Fleur de lis, on a black background in the center.

7) Dr. Marci is wearing the Old Cloissone of the Consistory of the Majestic, made of Gold. The reason it was worn by her is not available to the public. It was fashioned in 1948 for the first MJ1, to be worn on the inside of the left coat Lapel during times of meetings of the 12.

Customarily, the MJ1 would keep "his" wallet inside his left coat pocket and his touching it was to be a reminder to him of from whom his power flows. (Dr. Marci usually keeps her small wallet with "cards" inside her left exterior coat pocket, immediately above a small one of which was this cloissone.) The cloisonne bears a black enamel Maltese Cross, with a symbol of the Holy Bible at its center, and a wreath behind its arms. Atop the cross is a Symbol of Majesty (a crown), around the wreath are panels containing markings which cannot be further commented on publicly.

We have received requests to see closer photos or scans of the items. Both Drs. Dan and Marci have declined the requests.


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