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@ Hull University

What is People and Planet?

Cancel the Debt!

Sixty-six percent of students say they are concerned about issues of poverty, human rights and the environment. Many people are concerned that their lifestyles impact on livelihoods elsewhere in the world but do not really feel that they know enough about it.

People & Planet is a national organisation which campaigns in these three areas trying to raise awareness and make a difference. There are student groups at Universities all around the country.

Get Involved! There's lots of stuff to do, from the serious to the stupid. Whether you care about the environment, want to campaign for better human rights, or just want to wear a Tony Blair mask (we won't ask), we need your help and ideas to make this a success! If you're interested, contact us on:

Ruth: 01482 444696 or
Pete: 01482 472753
Amanda: 01482 444156

Meetings are currently in the Old Grey Mare, Tuesdays at 7.30pm. (As well as saving the world, it's a good excuse to spend the evening in the pub!) See you there.


People and Planet - National Site
Environmental News Network
Earth Times