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September Newsletter

September, 1999

Welcome back to the Montague RCMP Venturers. It is my wish to have more activities for us to do as well as more members. I am hoping to be more involved with the group since I joined last September. It is my opportunity to have the meetings official [recording info; Secretary’s Log Book] as by the Venturers handbook offored by Scouts Canada. I will try to encourage the growth of the group. Since our president may not be with us I will try to keep the meetings on schedule since he is suppose to run the meetings. I will try to run the meetings until a new president is negotiated. It is my own wish to stay as Secretary instead of promotion to President. This job will be perfect for me since I can keep well organized and participate at all activities we may come across.

Since we have money, we will try to negotiate on what to do with it. It would be nice to take a First Aid Course provided by St. John Ambulance as well as Search and Rescue. If anyone has any problems I am all ears. If you are concerned about something while the meeting is in order, feel free to ask me and we will move to the other end of the table without disturbing the meeting. I would like this meeting to be comfortable.

I would also like to get more RCMP activities such as ride alongs, investigation, and possibly a day out with the Speed Guns and keep an eye on traffic. .....

Once again, The meetings will be run official by maintaining brief logs of previous meetings, order of things to talk about [agenda], etc.

If any suggestions come at hand, let me know.

James Dawson

PS. No profanity will be aloud as well as interruptions. Raise your hand and be patient. Profanity will result in leaving the meeting or a fee of money. Recommended not to swear.

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