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Jimmy's Egypt Photos

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Here I am at the Pyramids, Giza, Egypt. Rather than take an expensive tour from the hotel, I got adventurous and took a city bus (cost $0.12) which goes right to the pyramids and wandered around the pyramids on horseback.

Temple of Hapsetshut, Luxor, Egypt. We hired (rented) bikes and rode here. This is where the large tourist massacre was a short while before I went to Egypt, a local showed us some bullet holes (scary). It was being restored while we were there so we couldn't go inside, but there are very well preserved paintings and hieroglyphics on the walls and ceiling around the columns at the front (see next photo). From here we hiked over the mountain to the valley of the kings (there is a much easier route off to the right, we weren't rock climbing).


Hieroglyphics in the Temple of Hapsetshut, Egypt


Me and the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt. This is the midpoint of our hike between the temple of Hapsetshut and the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Kings is behind me. There is not much to look at from here, notice there is nothing green/alive within sight.


This is Felucca (traditional sailboat) on the Nile River, just like the one that I spent 3 days on sailing down the river from Aswan to Luxor. It was very relaxing, but also like taking a time machine since life along the river hasn't changed much in the last thousand years.


Me in the Sahara Desert near Siwa, Egypt


A donkey in Siwa, Egypt. These humble little guys are one of the main modes of transportation in Siwa.



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