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(Mp3)     10. E-Mail My Heart    (Real Audio)


Its been hours seems like days
Since you went away
And all I do is check the screen
To see if you're okay .
You don't answer when I phone
Guess you wanna be left alone
So Im sending you my heart My soul
And this is what I'll say .
Im sorry oh so sorry
Cant you give me one more chance
To make it all up to you .

E-mail my heart
And say our love will never die
And I, I know you're out there
And I know that you still care
Email me back And say our love will stay alive Forever
Email my heart

I can see you in my mind
Comin on the line
And opening this letter
That I've sent a hundred times
Here's a picture That us two
I look so good on you
And cant you please forgive me
For the hurt I put you through
I'm sorry oh so sorry
Cant you give me one more chance
To make it all up to you

I'm sorry oh so sorry
Cant u give me one more chance
To make it all up to you .

Email my heart
And say our love will never die
And I, I know you're out there
And I know that you still care
Email me back
And say our love will stay alive
Forever (Won't you say won't you say won't you say)
Forever Forever (Won't you say won't you say)
Email my heart

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