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A. To promote and renew via reunions and other contacts old friendships and perpetuate the history and memory of those veterans who served in the air defense of Okinawa.

B. To promote these friendships while avoiding commercialism, politics and religion.


A. Membership will be open to veterans of such service and their families.

B. Membership requires that dues shall be up to date.


A. Annual dues shall be set by the Executive Committee and are for the calendar year.

B. New members are assessed dues when joining, regardless of the time of year.

C. There shall be no refund of dues in the event of a member's withdrawal from the Association.

IV ELECTED OFFICERS and their responsibilities The following officers shall be elected at each reunion.

A. President, shall have general responsibilities over the affairs of the Association, And shall: 1. Preside at Board meetings and Reunions; 2. Appoint committees to serve on special assignments; 3. Call special Board Meetings as necessary; 4. Establish an agenda for all such meetings; 5. Appoint an auditing committee at any time deemed necessary, but always at the time prior to the expiration of terms of the Board;

6. Conduct voting at the reunion and report the results to the membership as soon as they are known;

7. Be granted lifetime free membership in the Association following a successful term as president, and shall be known as a PAST PRESIDENT.

B. Vice President shall: 1. In the absence of the president, perform all the duties of that office; 2. Be a member of the auditing committee; 3. Perform other duties as assigned by the president.

V APPOINTED OFFICERS shall be appointed by the President

A. SECRETARY shall: 1. Be provided a list of current members for use by the boad; 2. Maintain an accurate record of all Association meetings and reunions; 3. Serve as custodian of all Association documents, including the minutes of meetings. Such minutes will be read at subsequent meetings; 4. Coordinate closely with other members of the Board and the Association Historian.

B. TREASURER shall: 1. Be responsible for signing in members and collecting funds at reunions and other meetings; 2. Have custody and control of all Association funds and keep accurate account of all money collected and disbursed; 3. Pay, from Association accounts, all obligations approved by the Board; 4. Provide a financial report for Association meetings; 5. Keep Association funds in a depository bank in the name of the Association and have signature authority along with the Association Secretary.

C. NEWSLETTER EDITOR shall: 1. Have primary responsibility for the Association Newsletter, receiving Association news and publishing it as scheduled by the Board; 2. Work in close coordination with the Board.

D. MEMBERSHIP RECORDER shall: 1. Have the primary responsibility for maintaining membership records suitable for developing mailing labels and for publishing an up to date Association Directory as necessary; 2. Work closely with the Board.

E. WEBMASTER(S) shall: 1. Have the primary responsibility for the Association Website and other activities related to the Internet; 2. Work closely with the Board.

F. ASSOCIATION HISTORIAN 1. Shall receive, evaluate and record information from members and other recognized authorities. 2. Shall coordinate closely with the Secretary and Newsletter Editor.

G. RESEARCH ADVISOR 1. Shall advise the board on legal concerns.


shall be appointed for short or long term at the discretion of the President.

A. REUNION COMMITTEES 1. Multiple reunions may be in consideration at any given time, but all bear the responsibility of Board approval, as related to site, scheduling, activities and cost. 2. Upon such approval, the committee is then responsible for setting up and executing all aspects of that reunion that remain within the approved original plan. 3. Such plans should consider the fairness of siting and scheduling of such reunions, siting them in all geographic areas, and at appropriate times of the year.

B. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE 1. Shall welcome any known new qualified members, with the help and guidance of the Board. Expenses for the activities, if approved by the Board, will be reimbursed. 2. Shall report new members, living and deceased, to the Board in a timely fashion.



A. Reunions will be planned on a biennial basis by volunteers, subject to approval of the Board. (See Reunion Committee above)

B. At any voting meeting of the members, those present constitute a quorum.

C. Only currently paid up members are qualified to vote.


A. The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board or the membership present at a reunion. A majority is achieved when at least one vote more than 50% of the membership in attendance has voted for or against a motion.

B. At any meeting other than a planned and publicized reunion, the membership will be notified of the meeting and any proposed amendments not less that thirty days prior to the meeting. Written, signed proxy votes will be accepted if received before the announced meeting date.

C. At the discretion of the Board a vote can be taken via the US Mail.

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