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Swinging on the Moon

I'm lost in the magic

I'm swinging on the moon...

Night times splendor

Ends too soon.

Starlight carpets

At my feet ...

Shooting stars

A wondrous treat.

Moonbeams shine

Throughout the skies ...

Bridges of light

Are So Sublime.

Casting stardust

Through the night ...

I am a part of the magic

My hearts in flight.

I'm lost in the magic

I'm swinging on the moon...

Night times splendor

Ends too soon.

Moonbeams shine

Throughout the skies ...

Bridges of light

Are So Sublime.


By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007


Flatter me and I may not believe you...

Criticize me and I may not like you...

Encourage me, and I will not forget you...

William Arthur Ward






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