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If the Koran is True

If the Koran is True ...
Chris Hansen
If the Koran is true
Then, Jesus was mistaken or Jesus lied.

The Koran says that Jesus was not crucified.
The Koran says it was someone else who died.

It teaches that someone was made to look like Jesus on the cross.
It teaches that Allah would never allow so great a loss.

Now, the Bible says that Jesus planned to die.
The Bible says that Jesus never told a lie.

The Koran teaches that Jesus was a prophet full of truth.
It even teaches that Jesus was a prophet from his youth.

So, if Jesus was a prophet, would Jesus ever lie?
Or, could Jesus have been mistaken when Jesus said that he would die?

One of these books is wrong and one of them is correct.
But they both can’t be right, in the same sense and in the same respect.

Either Jesus died, or he did not.
Either Jesus lied, or he was right in what he thought.

One simply must decide.
Either Jesus was rescued, or he died.

Either he told the truth, or he lied.
Either he was mistaken, or his death is verified.

He was wrong, or he was right.
One premise must be denied.

Time to ponder, time to pause.
One faith is in error.  One is a holy cause.
© by Chris Hansen
Page Created By : Pam Gallo




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