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Inner Feelings




Inner Feelings

Debi Fisher

This morning I read

It's not Black and White

And then I decided,

My turn to write

Sent by a friend

Close to me

Always opening my eyes

So I can see

I write on sweet backgrounds

Funny ones too

But my thoughts are sincere

And sometimes about you

If anger is resting inside your heart

Or you are upset today

Take these words that I write

Think about what I say

What is it that makes you oh so mad

Or sad or upset or afraid

You know that is why there is a God

I do and that's why I prayed

I asked please take away my fear

Make me feel strong and full of love

And He answered most of my prayers

By blessing me from above

Remember a word is just a word

Until it is out and uttered

And sometimes your words can hurt others

Making some people even shutter

Look to yourself if you are unsure

Into the future not the past

Reexamine, take a good look

See what you see in the glass



Written by Debi Fisher




Response to

It's not Black and White

 By Pam Gallo

View Here





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