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A Mix of Emotions





A Mix of Emotions

Debi Fisher

So many years ago

A mixed up child

Felt so lost

And then she went wild


She was a play toy

And not very calm

Her mother wanted a friend

Not to be a Mom


As this child grew

She would push away

Dad was no help

An insult a day


So wild , so lost

Thought I'd never be right

Then GG came to

And held me so tight


Taught me to be

So ladylike and sweet

I miss my GG

She never missed a beat


Then I did meet

The most handsome of men

My heart beating faster

This wasn't a yen


We dated and loved

And then we did wed

His mother and he

Straightened out this poor head


They taught me there IS love

And that it  just doesn't end

And I discovered

How to be a good friend


A mix of emotions

Not sure why

I go from smiling

To the tear in my eye


But whatever the emotion

It's a release in some way

I'm just feeling a mix

Of emotions today


Written by Debi Fisher


Page Created By Pam Gallo




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