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He Calms the Waves




He Calms the Waves

Pearlie Duncan Walker

When we get sea weary and cannot seem to be brave,

Let us remember that Jesus is there to calm the waves.

We see black clouds rolling; ships bounce up and down.

We look at all the beauty of sea gulls flying all around.


The wind starts blowing; the waves rush on ashore;

Water sloshing in and sailors all wet, down to the core.

We think of what Jesus did when He walked on water.

His faith was faithful always, to Himself and to His Father.


A boat goes by, with a little breeze pushing it along.

Inside are sailors of God and, to Him, singing a psalm.

Would it not be wonderful if we all believed in His name?

If everyone worshiped our Lord, even the wounded and lame?


Times when life is full of doubt, we know not where to turn.

However, as we read Godsą word, we can then discern.

Let us welcome, with zeal, all that Jesus has to say.

Pray in the Spirit, looking forward to the glorious day.


It shall be a glorious day when our Lord comes in a cloud,

To pick His children that loved Him, all out of a crowd.

Well say, "Glory," in the morning, eve or in the night -

As, we see our sweet Savior coming into our sight.




© 2007 by Pearlie Duncan Walker

Author of "Heaven's Gate"

This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
For non-profit ministering purposes

Page Created By Pam Gallo






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