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In the Eyes of a Woman

In the Eyes of a Woman

A Story unfolds ...

Once clear and so bright

Now tired ,dim and old.

Her story of  life

Held captive in her eyes ...

Answers and Questions

Gathered over time.

It's hard to fathom They could ever hold ...

All of  tears that she's wept...

Or understand What she has seen...

And All the secrets She kept.

Her eyes hold no mysteries

They mirror her soul ...

Exposing her spirit

Once bright and bold.

The only sparkle

Is a tear in her eye ...

The only light is a beacon

That searches for "Why" .

Alive with the hope

That maybe one day ...

Her eyes shall behold

Why she was made.

So this sustains Her

She journeys on ...

Capturing memories

Both painful and fond.

Yes , Alive with the hope

That  just maybe one day ...

Her eyes shall behold the reason

Why she was made.



By: Pam Gallo

copyright 2007






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