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Joan Clifton Costner


When my time comes, and I know I’ve locked horns

With a beast that would take my life,

I’ll bow on my knees to my Father above ~

I’ll know it will come out right.


I’ll enlist the prayers of my Christian friends ~

I’ll put on my very best face;

I do not know where I’ll meet my Lord ~

But He knows the time and place.


For I’ve known some who hoarded their illness,

Creeping into some corner of life,

Playing the part of a martyr ~

Not willing to bring any strife.


But, why do we smile at each other

Or extend the outstretched hand?

I’d walk with my friend to the borders

Of that beautiful Heavenly land!


I’ve seen God step in at the very last round,

Touch and heal a wounded soul,

Should that happen for me, then we’ll all rejoice ~

Having shared in a common goal;


But if He says “Come!” I’ll jump at the chance

To go on home with Him;

I’ll close my eyes here and know that I left

 Surrounded by praying friends.



Joan Clifton Costner

   copyright 11-15-02



Page Created By Pam Gallo




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