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Last day of classes! Craziness. I can't believe we're nearly sophomores in college!

Headless Roomie!

Craziness is definitely the right word. I was just blasting the Hallelujah Chorus on my computer with the door open. Lotsa fun. My last class is over at 2:15 this afternoon! Then I've got to start studying for my computers final. It isn't comprehensive tho (thank goodness!). I do have a comprehensive final in Spanish (but that's pretty easy, plus he told us we could use our dictionaries). And I have to finish my final paper for Dracula. Wanna hear my thesis? "In Dracula, Stoker reflects Victorian vacillation on the subject of appropriate gender roles, attempting to convey through the character of Mina the idea that although women should be allowed to display traditionally masculine characteristics, they should still remain in the same place in society: that is, helping men in their endeavors and being honored by men for it." How's that for a long sentence? :) First draft is currently sitting in my prof's inbox, waiting for his review.

Megan is going to kill me for putting this up... 

I took a walk last night, and I saw a baby possum! It was about four inches long. Quite cute (and ugly at the same time. If you've seen a possum before, you know exactly what I mean). Liz told me last night that possums are the only animals in the world that have a forked penis/vagina. I know, you probably didn't want to know that. I wasn't sure I wanted to, either... :) Megan says they learned in biology, and she can't believe Liz remembered it. Apparently, Megs simply suppressed that memory. And as soon as you stop reading this, you probably will, too.

Dana the alien!

Megs and I like those fun little quizzes they send around on email, so we wrote one. If I didn't send it to you, here it is with my answers, and you can send it back!

Messy Dorm
Name of your college: Wilson College, AKA Wilson Convent, Wilson seminary for sluts, etc.
Year of college you are completing: freshman
Dorm address: Mac 343
Happiest moment of the year: Oh, gosh, I don't know. Megan wrote this question. :)
Saddest moment of the year: Same here
Assignment/test you did the best on: Not sure. Pretty proud of my first paper in gothlit, when I got the only A in the class
Assignment/test you did the worst on: mmm... Hard to say. Did pretty well this year
Favorite class: gothlit was pretty cool
Least favorite class: oooh hard question. Um, FYS and FYS workshop, Spanish, some parts of ModAmerPoetry...
 and getting up for Psych at 8. the class wasn't bad, tho
Favorite prof (and subject they teach): Shillock's pretty kewl (Eng--had him for Gothlit). Larson was a fun guy, too (psych). 
And Bernie (choir director). Paula (dance). 
Least favorite prof: Oh, geez. I liked both True (FYS) and Cordova (Span) as people, but wasn't wild about them as profs.
Most defining moment: Mmm. There have been a lot. I suppose you could call this a defining year, really.
Quote of the year: Wow! Too many to name! The one that stands out is, "I don't steal, I just take stuff!"--Liz
Funniest quote of the year: See above
Funniest moment of the year: Hee hee! Anytime I'm with Dana, Liz and Megs is hilarious.
Scariest moment of the year: Probably when Dana reached out from under my bed and grabbed my ankle. That was pretty 
Greatest lesson learned: Never assume there isn't someone hiding in your closet.
Most fun place to go at night: Wendy's! GARY!!!
Best dish the cafeteria served: Chicken cordon bleu (until they ran out of the good stuff and gave us a slab of chicken with 
a piece of ham slopped on top. That was not cool.)
Worst dish the cafeteria served: Oh, man, too many to name...
Best thing about your school: Nobody gives a crap what you look like; small, pretty campus
Worst thing about your school: No boys, crappy food, terrible communication
Best subject: anything English
Worst subject: thank God I didn't have science or math this year!
Most worn outfit of the year: Don't think it was a particular outfit, just the same five pairs of jeans and eight or so shirts, 
plus sneakers or my blue flipflops, hair either down or in a ponytail most of the time
Best school activity: We had school activities?... I like eating outside and studying on the dock, taking walks... and 
making fun of stupid Spanish movies with Dana. :)
Song of the year: Mmm... Love Song by Third Day, In Christ Alone by the Newsboys, Lullabye by Billy Joel, Hallelujah 
by Rufus Wainwright
Xmas break: good or bad?: Good until it got too long...
Spring break: good or bad?: Fun while it lasted, but getting back into the swing of things was awful
Fall break: good or bad?: I don't remember back that far...
Thanksgiving weekend: good or bad?: Good. Saw the county chorus concert and some friends!
Best thing about your roomie: Oh, my roomie rocks.
Worst thing about your roomie: Says elves are girly, gets weirded out when I laugh at something I've read. :)
Keeping with the same roomie next year?: Heck yeah!
Best friends: Megan (the roomie), Liz, Dana
Crushes: Uh... None, since I go to a freaking GIRL'S SCHOOL! And wish Eddie "The Boss" Shaw would freaking leave 
me the heck alone...
Best thing about dorm life: I like the room, and Liz and Dana are right down the hall
Worst thing about dorm life: Meeting the same person in the bathroom all the time (you know who I mean), fire drills, clear 
doors on the showers (I don't know whose brain-child that was, but they need to have their head examined)
Most often consumed food: Probably popcorn. And fast food, and french fries. And we always adore Subway.
Favorite TV show: LOST! New episode tonight, guys!
Favorite movie: Mmm... National Treasure? Closely followed by Phantom of the Opera. And of course, there's always LotR :)
New movies you’ve seen: See above, Oceans 11, Timeline
Things your new friends have introduced you to: The joys of late-night fast food runs, the back roads to Walmart and the 
mall, Third Day, jumping out at people, reading people's away messages, and now I know random horsey things, 
like the difference between an English and Western saddle. And I think my contributions to the group have been 
teaching Liz to eat mustard and how everyone now answers "No" if someone asks them to pass something
Most out-of-character moment: learning hip-hop dance moves in ballet class? Realizing I love belly-dancing? 
What you’re known for: they call me Fingers of Fury! lol and my love of fanfiction, of course, reading and writing it. 
And LotR. Also shushing people while we're watching Lost! hee hee
Friends from home you haven’t seen since last summer: Mm... Erin. I think I've seen the rest of you since then
Most embarrassing moment: Anything involved Eddie "the idiot" Lee Shaw
What’s better: Walmart or McDonalds?: Oh wow, that's hard. Probably Walmart. But it's tied with Wendy's. GARY! Man, 
that joke never dies
Number of movies you’ve rented: Personally? none. With roomie? mmm... a few. with Dee? mmm... a few more... :D
Estimated hours spent on PC per week: practically every waking moment i'm not in class, taking a walk, off campus, or 
Estimated hours spent on homework per week: Depends on how much homework they give me and how close it is to finals 
etc. Probably less than two hours a day
Estimated hours watching TV/movies per week: 1 hour for Lost, a couple more if we rent a movie. Not much.
Estimated hours spent partying per week: We don't party. We hang out in our room and have pillow fights and throw popcorn 
at each other and shriek with laughter. I think it's safe to say that ours and Liz/Dana's room are the two loudest on the 
whole hall... possibly the whole floor.
Most special day of the year: going to Cowan's Gap was pretty cool, but there were lots of them
Worst day of the week: This semester, it's Tuesdays. Tuesdays suck. hours of work and class combined on tuesdays: 
nine and a half
Best day of the week: right now? Well, Fridays and Saturdays, obviously, and Wednesdays if there's a new episode of Lost!
How many weekends did you go home?: most of 'em. only stayed two or three times. come on, i'm only half an hour from 
my house!
Favorite musical group: of the year? well, Third Day was new for me, but so was Kutless and some other stuff
Favorite album: either Third Day or the new Kutless...
List of crazy things you did/moments: WAAAAAY too many to name... I'm just high on life! Really!
Inside jokes: See above... heh
What will you miss about college this summer?: friends, my dorm room, stuff to do

Megs, Liz and Dana (both hiding their faces) and Dee. Last weekend

Later: Last class completely finished! I cleaned out my binders today, only keeping what I needed to finish my Dracula paper and study for my two finals. There's a big pile of paper in the middle of the floor, now. :) We're waiting for Liz to get off work at 8, and then the four of us are all gonna watch "A Series of Unfortunate Events".

We went out and took pictures. Dana was taking pictures of Megs and I sitting in a
crab apple tree.

Tonight is Senior Night, which means a number of people, particularly seniors, basically get to "decorate" the campus. The idea is for the seniors to A) trash/decorate the offices of the profs who let them, and B) keep the profs out of their offices so they can't hold classes... Which is why I have no classes tomorrow, because it's taken as read that they're gonna be cancelled.

So tomorrow I'm gonna study and work on my Dracula essay, and we're going to watch "Van Helsing" because of the whole Dracula thing, plus Megs hasn't seen it yet. And it's a really bad movie (giant screen of stupidity!) but it's fun.

More quotes!

Dana: It's like a funny bone! Except for different!

Dana: Liz! Use scissors!
Liz (trying to open a package): No! I refuse to give in to the material ways of man!

Announcer: Blessing of the Animals is today, so bring you critters!
Liz: I don't have any critters.
Megs: Why don't you bring Dana?

Jen: Do you know them? They have moo-cows. We duct-tape people to their trees. At family reunions.

Dana: I'm not going to have a funeral. I'm going to have a, "CELEBRATION OF LIFE! Weep openly." Ahh.

Liz: So I forgot to pee, and it really hurts because I've been keeping in the urine for too long.
Ash: Uh, Liz? You do know there's a guy over there, don't you?

We had Spring Fling last weekend, which was pretty cool. It was all done up in a Chinese theme--the decoration was awesome. Then Dee came up and we hung out, and then we all went to see the midnight showing of Phantom of the Opera! I am so buying that movie (and National Treasure). But I am currently practically broke, and my brother offered to sell me his camera, which is not only a heck of a lot nicer than mine, it is also not held together with tape like mine. So I need to save some money. The movies can wait. But I want to make my dad watch National Treasure with me! He'd like it. He thought Pirates of the Caribbean was hilarious. I have a cool dad.
