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The aliens...

They're coming...

Oh, the horror! They ate little Timmy! And Liz from down the hall! And the biology professor--he stooped to take a sample, 

Haven't you seen them? In the forest... They live in the forest...

How did they get here? No one knows. How can they be killed? Ah, now that's the question...

A single strange life form appeared in the forest, along the trail by Wilson College. Poor fools! We didn't notice...

It slowly began to reproduce... It spawned more strange-smelling demons of its kind!

Soon they spread all through the forest! They would sneak out at night in herds, surrounding innocent passersby: silly, giddy
college girls, unaware of the danger. These softball sized, strange smelling extraterrestrials! They pounced on the girls, 
eating them up...

Will no one stem the slaughter?!

You cannot escape. They are everywhere...


These things are all through the woods by my college. Seriously. I have no clue what they are. And they do smell funny...

11/21/04: Found out what they are! Apparently they're a kind of fruit called an osage orange. Accounts for the funky citrusy smell...