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My daily Idea archives

Hey this is where my daily thoughts will be whenever a new one is put on the page.

3/24/04 Wow meetings for work are boring. Being trained when you have been there 3 weeks isn't the most effective way to train a person ya know but oh well what are ya gonna do. School is a waste. I have got to the point where i can do pretty much nothing and still get the same grades go figure but oh well that is what makes westmar students the best in the state. Goodnight


3/23/04 Days go by really fast ya know. It seems like yesterday i was in like 2nd grade and i thought it would be so awesome to be in 8th grade and 8th grade is long gone, but its all good because the future is always going to be something to look forward to. Life just gets better and better. Anyway thats about as deep i like to get because i am afraid i will drown, then i would need one of my co workers to come save me. Anyway today was a fun day i got out early today for some history thing it made me laugh then me and Jeff Justin and Ashley went to Peking house and ate some food good stuff right there. Stuff like that makes me glad to be me. Man i am just one great ball of positive self esteem.

3/22/04 Well lets see where do I start to cover what i have been doing for the last 40 days of my life. Well lets see skiing, school, work and a little bit of school. I really don't like spring. I think they should just get ride of spring and fall. They are just lame. There isn't to much to do in either of them. except go cut fire wood with dad and you can imagine the fun that is. I did a sermon yesterday and it went really good. It was about trust in God and in each other people said i did really good sometimes i think people just say things to be nice i guess i don't "trust" them sorry i had to do it well have a good night.

2/10/04 I can play bass oh yeah I rock well i can play like 2 songs but hey you got to start somewhere. Anyway today was a fine day, for a while I was feeling down and dry but it took one of those nice spiritual kicks in the but to get me out of my empty mood. Now life rocks and I don't feel lame anymore :)

2/9/04- You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to You.

2/7/04 Whoa today was a day, I went to Harrisburg to the outdoor sport show it was pretty entertaining except for the ride I don't think my parents tried riding in the rear seat because man I have never been so crammed into a space in my life. So we stopped to eat breakfast at cracker-barrel, I ordered coffee to drink and I would take a drink and our waitress would come by and fill it back up I never go that cup for then a 1/4 of the way down, not that I am complaining or maybe I am but that was taking good service to an extreme.  So anyway My cousin Andrew came with us and he is 18 but he looks like he is 12. So anyway he wanted to buy a knife and the lady said you have to be over 18 and he was like I am and she was like let me see your id, so he did, his license said under 18 because he hasn't got it renewed and the lady was like it says your under 18 and he was like look at my birth date and she was like it says you're under 18 and he was like no I am 18 and she was like ok let me check with my boss and he was like yeah its fine. So we are on our way home and we stop to eat at T.G.I. Fridays and there was like a 45 minute wait which turned into a hour and a half wait.  At Fridays they call groups by numbers they give you, but the numbers don't go in order no it goes like 37, 97, 21, 56, yeah if there was ever a game of sick and twisted bingo that was it. Grrrr if our waitress wasn't awesome I would not of been happy. Anyway we ordered our drinks and she brought them out and while everyone else was ordering I drank my dr.pepper before she was done getting our orders it would be an understatement to say I was thirsty. This was like 6 days in a desert thirsty. Anyway she was like I'll get you another and she brought back a pitcher full of dr pepper for me. That made my day well I kind of rambled today but oh well I just do this to keep track of what day it is.

2/6/04 I love this area, I had to go t school 3 day with in the last 2 weeks. I feel like i am in a disney sitcom. I hang out with my friends and go to school once in a while its awesome. Anyway today its really icy so i am kinda stuck in the house so today is pretty boring. I've been watching a family guy dvd all morning so i laughed real hard. I ate rice whoa isn't that cool. Yeah My brain is fried. I think i need to go back to school, i feel like i am on summer vacation where all the days just kinda blur together. Get up stand Stand up for your right, don't give up the fight.

2/5/04 Whoa what a day. No school for me, I went skiing again and it was Joe Katie my dad and me. I taped us skiing and it was really really funny. The tape is so had to watch it almost makes you puke, but its still entertaining. Here is a tip for everyone don't show tapes of near death experiences to your parents it tends to make them afraid. Well anyway check out the new skiing pictures and if you want a copy of the ski video ask me for it and I'll give you a copy for $5 benefits the buy Matthew stuff fund.


2/4/04 Hey sorry no morning idea today. I am think I'll just do my thoughts in the evening because I can tell about me day on here and it should be fun. So anyway all day I had a dilemma I could either go to church or go skiing, and all day I was like I dunno should I go or not and then by 3rd period I was like ok I am going and I felt like I knew if I would go I would go skiing I would miss something important maybe I did I don't know. The whole time skiing i was like Something bad is gonna happen! but nothing did whew! I can't say I regret going skiing it was fun, I swam down Main street that was so fun stuff. Joe was his funny self as usual and Katie mcneff was funny like always. Tracey is like a professional now and Miss boal has a broken leg now. So I got home and then uno doce Tracey and miss boal dropped off my skis that Tracey was using and I ran around me yard in shorts in the snow that was fun stuff all I got to say about that is that is pays to be a mountain boy. My friends rock. well that's all for tonight.


2/3/04 I think Allegany County can’t go to school a full week. It must be some budget issue or something like that. I’m not complaining about not having school, I had some ap chemistry I didn’t do last night so I got today to do it but if we would not of had that’s week off of school last week I would have been in my routine and would of did it but oh well what are ya gonna do. Well the “there once was a man from Nantucket” Contest is over Katie Neff won that. The site went over 500 hits last night how awesome is that! You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.


2/2/04   That was one awesome game last night. Did anyone see the end of the half time show? Man that was a hoot. It reminded me why i don;t watch network tv I hate when the games are over with in the 1st 10 seconds. Still no one has told me the Full thing Of There once was a man from Nantucke. I think whoever will i will give them a prise, maybe something awesome like a date with me  yeah thats a joke. I'll give whoever tells me the whole thing, i'll give them 5 dollars. So go get it. Remember Never Drink from lab glassware or other lab vessels.


2/1/04 Whoa the sites had over 300 hits that’s very awesome.  Still does anyone know the full thing to there once was a man from Nantucket? No one has told me and I have always wondered what it was. Time really goes fast it just like yesterday I was a freshman and now I am half into my junior year. It makes me think is my life like a song about nothing? I don’t know  but I got to go Have a cool day, mmmmm pie.


1/31/04 I was eating tonight at ruby Tuesdays in la vale this evening and there were these two girls in shorts! I was like holy crap you’re stupid. Then they saw me looking at them standing outside and I was like I’m not checking you out I’m laughing at you. Ok anyway does any one know that thing I asked this morning because I want to know badly? So have a goodnight everyone. Oh yeah does anyone read these things?


1/31/04. All these days of not having school has messed with my head. I out of my routine so bad it’s not even close to being funny. Oh well you don’t look at this to hear me complain now do you? If you do then you’re weird.  There once was a man from Nantucket wait I’m not allowed to say stuff like that! Does anyone really know that whole thing if you do send it to me because I would really like to know. Well today I don’t have to much to say just that I am out of pixy stixs L but it will be alright I guess I need to go to wally world. Today I’m going to take some pictures they should be on the site by tonight or tomorrow depends if I want to do my English essay, mmm probably not. Well have an awesome day and tell your friends that my site is really awesome and I am really cool!


1/30/04This is my night entry for today and i must say did it feel like Monday to anyone else? Whew today was the longest day of school i have ever had the displeasure of having to deal with. Today the site went over 100 hits how great is that OH yeah. I went skiing with Joe and Andy it was a hoot. Well tomorrow is another day maybe can get some free time to get some new pictures for the site. Goodnight “and God bless us everyone”


1/30/04 I have school? This is new.  I haven’t had to go to school for 7 days and today is Friday. They are making me go to school for one day this week? Think of all the wasted money heating the schools for one day and then having the heat turned off again for the weekend. STUPID, but anyway now that  is out of the way. Feel free to email me and tell me what you think of anything on the site, if you have any suggestions for this part of the site you can email them to me at Today i want to thank all of the

(JasEfdsFadaseF). I want to point out to you guys the local views section you may get a kick out of that part well have a nice day and thank you for shopping at Wal-mart.


 1/29/04 well it’s another great day for me. I haven't had school for the whole week from a snow storm. From this storm I have had time to think about things. Also I got so bored that I made a website. Anyway I've had to shovel snow at my house which I really don't mind doing because it is a quick easy job, but when you get snow that is powdery and light the wind is a pain. Yet the wind has been my friend because it is the reason I haven't had school. Now what does this have to do with my life? Well I think there are to aspects to everything in life, a good side and a bad side. Take ice sickles for an example. They are really cool to look at and all but have you ever had one hit you in the head? I hope for your heads health you haven't because they hurt real bad. So you have to think do the good things out do the bad? Like say I was to sneak out of the house and go hang party and then I came home and get in to trouble with my parents. Did the fun I have out do the trouble and also the lost of faith my parents in me? I don't think so but hey that’s just me. Well that’s all for . Oh yeah Remember everyone has a free Scholarship to Prison