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September 2002
    September means back to work for Daddy but it also means Drew's birthday is right around the corner!!   When his 2nd birthday came he got presents for a couple days straight.  He liked that!!! We gave him presents on his birthday, he got his other presents from Uncle Daryl, Aunt Debbie and Cousin Tyler also on that day.  Two days later he got his presents from Nana and Papa, & Aunt Heather and Uncle Eric.  Opening presents was great because for the first time, he really got into it.  He got a little spoiled though because he still looks at us from time to time and says "more presents?"  Drew is growing like a weed.  At his last checkup (Sept 25th) he was 36 3/4"  and 36 lbs.  He is extremely large for his age but is in great shape!
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