
How come I’m obsessed with you?

You’re someone new.

You’re a nice guy.

You and I don’t have a history.

But, oh, I wish I could be your friend.

I want to talk to you late at night,

Fall asleep on the phone.

Or maybe you can come over and watch a movie.

And I’ll wake up to a finished tape and you sleeping.

See, I want to sleep with you- next to you.

We’ll laugh and your eyes will get all crinkly.

We’ll be talking, and you will give me a Look,

“You know what I mean”- and I will.

You can ask me which shirt looks nicer;

I can ask you if I should get a haircut.

There won’t be complications;

There won’t be confusion;

There will only be fun, friendship, love.

What do you say?

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