
Oh how I love the daytime:

Sunshine and lunch,

Soap operas and clear blue skies . . .

But night is when I come alive.

The hour between one and two a.m. should be just a little longer,

Don’t you think?

Night is the time electricity can be seen

Charging between people and through minds and from fingers.

Somehow at night I never want to sleep;

Never want to let go of this secretive energy.

But when morning comes, I am not so eager to relinquish my warm bed.

The morning brings responsibilities: class and work and studying;

The night gives me relief: poems and music and dreams.

Can they really be called daydreams if I have them at night?

Let the night last just a little longer;

I hope the morning isn’t here so soon.

I’m not ready to face the world yet.

C’mon let’s stay up for just another hour . . .

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