

I’m crazy.

I can’t sleep.

I can’t think.

Do I ever want to

Really Pursue this?

Who am I kidding?

Am I a fool for falling

Or for pushing you away?

Do you care for me

A smidgen

A tad

A skooch?

Why can’t I bury your memory?

I was over you.

I swear I was.

But I guess that was just thin ice

Waiting to break

Plunging me into deep icy waters

Where I thrash and flail

But I can’t get enough air.

Those thoughts choke me;

I’m gasping for air

And grasping for you.


I know I’ll just hurt you again

I can’t help but love you.

Maybe you’re wise to ignore;

Let this pass and we’ll be fine.

But even we old maids need a friend.

See? I’m crazy.

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