Call Me Jo

Call me Jo. I had a best friend. And he loved me. And now, I don’t think he does. I rejected him, and he is with someone else now.

I don’t regret saying no to him. I only regret that I didn’t, or maybe that I couldn’t, say no sooner. But when someone kisses you like that, or talks to you like that, or is just plain sweet to you like that, it’s hard to let go.

Does this concern you at all? Are you ever worried about our friendship?

What aggravates me most is not the fact that you’ve lost touch, or that you can’t seem to carry a conversation anymore. What gets me the most angry, what puts the bee in my bonnet, what makes me tear at my hair and squish my face is the fact that you don’t care. I believe that you are just too busy for me. How is that possible? Did last year not happen, or are you just ignoring it?

I’m not talking about the late-night voicemails or intertwined hands or sweeter than honey kisses; I’m talking about our friendship- the fact that you could comfort me and I could comfort you. The fact that we had real conversations- I talked on the phone for you for three hours right after a night out with you. I’ve never done that with anyone else before or since.

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