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Ultimate Championship Wrestling

Welcome to the official website of Ultimate Championship Wrestling,we are a backyard fed based in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,looking to climb the ladders and rankings of Backyard Feds worldwide.At The UCW,we all know we arent the best,but we're getting there,and trying.For one we actually wrestle,and look forward to doing more then just throwing each other through tables and doors,getting hit with light bulbs and bleeding every match.We wanna explore the world of backyards and actually try to wrestle.But dont fret,we will have our fair share of bloody hardcore matches our as we call them,HxC for short.Please excuse the look as we are undergoing major construction.We will update as soon as possible,whenever possible and look forward to seeing you fans/people at our events later to come.So look around,for UCW could be right around your neighborhood or town kicking each others ass!

News And Updates

--------November 23rd,2002---------

Another quick update,just to inform you people that Shane Richards is now aligned with the UCW promotion.So therefore,along with Cory Graves and Aero,are the most recent confirmed wrestlers to join ship of the UCW.More news on wrestler pick-ups as well as other personalities will of course be on the site,so keep on checking back.We are currently working on the site,as well as more importantly,picking up wrestlers,and writing some works in the progress.Don't give up on us,and check back often!Thanks,stay safe and keep cool in the backyards.

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