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Date: April 24, 2006



** We're a happily bonded couple. We've been together for over 5 years. We live in Michigan in a small community. We genuinely enjoy one another's company but see something missing - you. But things are very juicy and intense when we are just us together, adding you would share that juicy intensity! G is bisexual and very feminine with long blonde hair and brown eyes. She's been bisexual since she was quite young, but has only become comfortable with it in the last few years. She is 41.


***M is straight and I convinced him to let me shave him once, so he's bald, with blue eyes. He is 46. We both pretty regularly surprise people who think we're a decade younger. We're both very active. We're upbeat, passionate and hedonistic. We love to have our friends over for dinner, riveting conversation, and fun. We like being outdoors; horseback riding, camping, swimming and hiking.


****M is currently going to school to get his degree in Biometrics. G is an Administrative Assistant. We have great relationships with our children. We read a lot, talk a lot, and love a lot. We do smoke but do not do more than the social drinking. NO DRUGS !! We like all sorts of people except those of low integrity. We also DO NOT LIKE those that are so full of themselves and have so much money they simply do not care about anyone other than themselves so play games to amuse themselves. Also, stay away if you are dishonest, use drugs or have some 'personal' disease. We are not into casual sex. We want to become friends with people before considering a physical relationship. We would like to add you to our home and lives and make them yours as well. You would be EQUAL in the home. We have multiple overlapping circles of friends and acquaintances.


*****We're gradually coming out to some of those circles. When we end up in a stable three-person household, we envision being completely open with everyone. We'll find a way to get that third ticket to the family reunion! When the children are in the home, private time is special. We keep Sundays free for private time together. Will you join us some Sunday soon?




**We're looking for an active, sensual woman who knows what she wants in life. You should be an adventurer, like us, willing to take some risks in order to live on a higher plane of purpose and pleasure. "Open-minded" and "open-hearted" describe us; they should describe you, too.


***You should be open to being a best friend, lover (the female half of this duo is bisexual), roommate, and partner in a committed relationship. We'll take it slowly, before, during and after you're within the home - we're not just looking for a great time, we're looking for a great life. We're looking for a complement, not a clone. You're likely to be different from us, and different from any preconceived fantasy we may have.


****The only character traits we insist on is high integrity and honesty, if you are writing a book on 'GAMES' people play, go away, we've had enough of those. You may have thought about being sexual with a woman but never created the opportunity for yourself. That's okay. We're looking for someone with a lot of willingness to grow, not necessarily a lot of experience. And NO … sex with the male aspect of this duo is not necessary.


*****You don't have to be old enough to remember what an E ticket was. A difference in age will add another challenge to the many we will face together. But you're an adventurer, right? Simple ways to think about it--if you’ve enjoyed this personal ad and seen yourself in it, we’ll probably enjoy each other’s company.


Feel free to sign our guestbook.

M & G
