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Heroes come from all walks of life.
And it is to them we look for our inspiritation.
On Sept. 11 2001 America was shown how
depraved men of cowardice could become.
It was on this date that many people were killed
needlessly and without reason.
By those who would hide behind others.
And it is them that we shall remember and honor.
Those who say that they were wronged but
who would not come forth and face those
who they accuse shortened their lives. And who
would strike at people they do not know,
without reason or caring who they were.
We may never know all the victims but
their deaths will always reach out to
us and touch our lives.
For they have died in a senseless
act by men who are cowards.
Those who have done this will find
justice either man’s or Gods. And they
can not hide.
They will be found.
God Bless America
We Are Strong.. And will overcome this
but our hearts will always break for these
innocent victims and there families...
Tkz Dare for ur words... and let us all pray..Mystic

If You would like your vp name on the wall to
show our support to the families of the victims.
Please email me and id be happy to add you.
Thanks Mystic and friends...
Please send an email to: Mystic