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League Leaders

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2nd Week
Danny Casino & Joey Hinkie

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2nd Week
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Welcome To The Stickball Homepage
April 16, 2003

The Individual League Leaders are up, if you are wondering what I mean by Individual League Leaders, I'll explain. Well, when you click league leaders, you'll now see three links, Individual Leaders, Team Leaders, and Season Highs. The Season Highs is self explanatory...Most Hits In A Game...Most Strikeouts...that kind of thing. But as for Individual and Team, well, Team League Leaders is like from 1-6...say a team has 48 singles and that is more then any other team. They would be in first for Total Singles and then so on. Individual is 1-24, where it is individual stats. Okay, well, Team League Leaders will be up most likely next week, or i'll try to start it through these weeks. I'm not sure, but anyway, the individual league leaders are up!