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Where to start
I told you that I would send an email
but decided to send this instead
I know you are going through alot right now
And feel like I will just make matters worse
Yes we talked abotu alot lastnight
But also not enough

And to be honest I'm really not sure that we should
no i'm not saying we shouldn't talk
i'm saying just about some things
I also know, no matter what you say
You wouldnt be ready for me to come see you
And yes after two years is something I still want very much
More then you ever knew

I know what your feeling right now with everything going on
and I know how it hurts
But I will be here if you need someone to talk to
And don't think of it as bitching or moaning
Beleive me i know what its like to hold things in
And it always end up being worse ( at least for me)
So just remember i'm back now and here when you are ready or want to talk

If I'm being to pushy or sticking my nose in at times where it shouldn't be
just tell me to back off
I know lastnight I started and thats why I stopped was none of my business
But I just don't understand them, I really don't
Ok here I go again I'll stop here LOL

I know I'm not making much sense huh
I really don't want to make matter worse for you
And Please don;t say anything after reading this
Lastnight I said wow after 2 years ALOT has changed
and yet other things haven't at all
The other things I was talking about was...You
Not that you haven't changed ( well really you haven't)

I mean thats after over 2 years I get the message from you
and we start talking and its like I never left
And all the feelings come back
Still no clue huh lol
Back then would never say anything
Because things just weren't right because of everything that was going on with Munch and how you felt about her
And now the same thing...seems I'm always out of luck lol
But still after over two years I do Love you Mike....
Maybe should have said something then...and I'm sure I shouldn't be saying something now
I know you knew something was up then and now
But.....I don't want you saying anything or make things worse for you with everything going on

So like I said don't say anything ..Nothing needs to be said....
Was my prob then and is still now
But I'm not sorry I got back in touch with you
And wouldn't change the friendship we have for anything
OK so now that your sorry you read all this I will end it at that lol
Will Send you and will forget about it
Like I said..nothing needs to be said...Nothing
Love, Sandy



Found this surfing abd thought it fit so I'm adding it to the bottom here


You entered my life like a gentle sigh,
like a quiet breeze blowing softly through the leaves.
You were a stranger first, one who laughed freely and easily,
who spoke of minor intimacies and common grounds,
who made me feel strangely liked and valued.
You became my friend, no longer a stranger,
trusting me with secrets hidden,
confiding what you liked and hated.
We talked and laughed and, as time passed by,
I grew more and more dependent upon your smile.

From strangers to friends was just a baby step,
a step a thousand others take every day.
Without your trust and trusting ways,
without your smiles and encouraging gaze,
I would never have taken the step beyond.
But the gentle breeze blowing through the leaves
is relentless and never ending.
We became closer friends, and closer still,
until much of my life was centered around the times
we spent together.

We traveled far along the path of friendship,
avoiding the bumps somehow, never stumbling,
always in step with one another.
You were my guide, my eyes and ears,
the unfailing light that lit the road before us.
Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder,
you brought me along our course,
to a destination I had never seen before.
You became my best friend along that journey,
the anchor in my life where none had ever been.

You did a good job of guiding our steps,
a job no other could ever do,
and it wasn't your fault, really, when I stumbled.
Somewhere along our path,
perhaps where the heights were making me dizzy with joy,
I simply lost my balance and fell.
By the grace of God, I fell not to either side, nor to the rear,
but fell instead forward, along the path we'd tread.
My plunge forward was unguided, and my steps were steps you never intended.
I fell in love with you.

From strangers, to friends, to close friends, to best friends.
And beyond.
I've never been sorry for any step we've taken together,
no, not even for the fall I took alone.