My Angelfire Site (or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Angelfire's Senseless Plugs")

My Favorite things about Angelfire, as if you care, are...

My Favorite Web Sites (actually, they're NOT my favorite web sites, they're just sites that I have links to for some reason.)

Angelfire - Free Home Pages. They're free so you won't have to max out your credit card just to build a "quality" site like mine.
Free Web Building Help. OK, so it's not REALLY free, but it's only 5 easy payments of 1/5 of your life savings, so that's GOTTA be good.
Angelfire HTML Library, because I think we could ALL use a little help with our HTML, especially getting it u...wait, what's that you say? Web code? Damn, I thought it was...uh...nevermind.
htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more! Like this free "sturdy" htmlGEAR tote bag, which serves no purpose what so ever, but it's free! And it has their logo on it, too! Yay!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.

Now that we got all the senseless crap out of the way, you may enter the REAL web site, simply by clicking right over here!
