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The all new pod humour homepage® >:D

Welcome to the all new & still highly paxed, pod humour homepage® ¿:Y ¿:U

NOTE 1:this site is under serious construction & will be properly up & running soon, if you are desperate for pod japes/facery ( 8D ) & cant wait any longer, visit the original pod homour homepage® <:V'' NOTE 2:plex ,'U NOTE 3:Feel free to ROFL@the pic of "beast" (NOTE:midi files of beast and other games will be up soon ',',)==: )

Now we have our new! pod-gallery where you can feast your semi-coloned eyes on some of our great pictureage & jpg'ery click here!
for the most famous part of the orginal pod humour homepage, the pod pa-report, a detailed report on every project acts that have happened so far in the history of pod, just click below to see the report re-lived in an updated style click here!
Click on the link to see hitlerio in action!! *LOOK, JUST STOP IT NOW!* @ hitlerio in general!
the true horrific nature of pod fears is a reality! see it right
click here for a classic tune! game gear shinobi!
click here for a classic tune! cammy from street fighter 2 turbo!
click here for a classic tune! scrap brain from sonic 1
click here for a classic tune! star fox stage 1!
click here for a classic tune! brinstar from super metroid!
click here for a classic tune! smash tv ROFL!!!
click here for a classic tune! a stage from lemmings!
click here for a classic tune! boss music that you recognize!
click here for a classic tune! zorn & thorne!
click here for a classic tune! shenmue tomato convenience store * 8''X3-- *
click here for a classic tune! charachter creation from pso <:D~
click here for a classic tune! stunt race FX aqua tunnel *ROFL*
click here for a classic tune! altered beast *OH GOD PLZ!*
click here for a classic tune! gameboy metroid <;'D
click here for a classic tune! a great tune, ff9 lindblum festival hunt <:D
click here for a classic tune! the landing, one of the best tunes from ff8 >:U
click here for a classic tune! >:D miller ball breakers from jet set radio
click here for a classic tune! blast corps!!!

Links to other sites including the original pod humour homepage® <:U

original & best pod humour homepage >8D~
straight into the pod original pod humour menu
fancy a wonk? or maybe some hand sit onage, look no further!