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Spelunker - Go into a cave, and find all sorts of cool stuff!

I believe this is a second generation NES game, so the graphics aren't all that bad. There are about 10 different moving sprites, like flying bats, ghosts, the little spelunker guy, lit bombs, hot steam, etc. At least it's a step up from SMB1. I give it 8/10

This is a rather old game, so music wasn't really important back then. I like the intro tune, and the in game tune isn't really that bad. The rest just consisted of bleeps and bloops and the occasional ding. My score: 7.5/10 (good music, but not enough of it!)

I like the gameplay. You are a little spelunker guy and you run around picking up treasure and finding temples and stuff. you need to find a whole bunch of keys to open the doors that somehow got placed in the cave. You have to jump over pits, blow up dirt hills, and shoot the occasional ghost. The cave is a somewhat simple maze, and it takes maybe 20-30 minutes to complete the cave. After you complete the cave, the cave changes color, and the keys become invisible. From cave 3 on, you must use items or jump to pick up the keys. From cave 4 on, the ghosts get a speed upgrade. In cave 6, I got stuck. I give it 8.5/10

This game has a small/moderate replay value. If you really get into the game and want to get a high score record, this could keep you satisfied for a while, but once you get the high score, you want to kill it. I give it: 5.5/10

You're a spelunker (person who goes into caves). I guess you want to get rich, so you look for piles of cash, and gold and temples. I give it 4/10 (no real story)

I don't know where I got this game, but I'm glad I have it. I advise other NES owners out there to buy this just to see what fun we current late teenagers did for fun when we were little. Oh, the memories. My final score: 78%   (average - it just doesn't fulfill all the categories - It's a good game! just not great compared to today's games.)
