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Ninja Gaiden Review

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Ninja Gaiden is an awesome, challenging game made by Tecmo in 1989. It was a hit back in the late '80s, early '90s, and a hit with me since I bought it a couple months ago for.......... $2.50!!! Jay told me this is the first game to use cut scenes to tell the story.


The overall graphics are O.K. But on Act 4, the jungle stage, the graphics are a little under par. The only bad sprite I found would be the bats on a few of the stages. I'd say the graphics are pretty good for an original 1989 game. I give it:7.5/10


The music is pretty good. I like about 5 of the songs, especially the one playing above. It's better than the usual NES game. My score: 9/10


Gameplay is pretty good. It's a challenging game. Some spots are tricky. I managed to make it all the way to Jaquio, the boss, but even with 25 lives in reserve, I couldn't kill him. Those birds are PESTS! The hit detection is alright, but nowhere near perfect. I give it: 9/10


This game has more replay value than the average game. It's fun to try to make it to the end without continuing. 9/10


Ryu Hayabusa's father was "killed" and Ryu set out to find out who did it and set it straight. Then the story get s a little complicated involving 2 statues, one of which contains a demon. Another demon tries to get the 2 statues so that they can take over the world. Ryu's gotta stop them. It gets:9/10


I was surprised to find this game at the flea market for only $2.50! A great buy! This is one of my favorite games now. I always wanted a Ninja Gaiden game, but never could find one, until now that is! My overall score: 92%
