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Mega Man 3 Review

Mega Man 3

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Megaman Is a series of games that spans multiple systems. It currently has close to 20 some or more games in the whole series. Megaman 3, for the NES, is a favorite among many, for reasons soon to be explained ( sounds like I'm doing a 5 paragraph essay, doesn't it? ).


I really don't see the need for having a graphics category for NES games. Their graphics are always the same. Every single Mega Man for the NES has the exact same good graphics. I give it 8/10


I believe that Mega Man 3 has the best music of them all. It has an excellent intro tune and all the stage tunes are good too10/10


Gameplay is excellent. This game has 8 bosses which are a bit challenging, and 4 stages to get to Dr. Wily. This game is a challenge compared to Mega Man 5 & 6, which are way too easy. I give it 9.5/10


This game has good replay value. I don't really know why it has good replay value, but most Mega Man's do. I give it 9/10


For some reason, the game doesn't show a story at the beginning, but it's the usual story anyway. Dr. Wily makes some robots and tries to take over the world. Mega Man's got to kill the robots and defeat Dr. Wily.9/10


I don't own a Mega Man, but I always wanted to. It's sorta hard to find any Mega Man games out there because everybody wants them. And everybody I know who has them, doesn't want to sell for a reasonable price. Milton is corrupt. My overall score: 92%
