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Goldeneye 007 Review

"The name's Bond... James Bond"

This game has the normal graphics for an N64 game. The polygons of the enemy men look good. The explosions aren't really the best, but they do. I can't think of any super cool special visual effects. This was one of the first first-person shooters for the N64. Rare did an excellent job at animation and it really set the standard for games thereafter. I give it 8.5/10

I like the music for goldeneye. I gave it it's own page - Goldeneye Midi page. All of the song's are moderately good, while the intro, streets, cradle, aztec, and egypt are my favorites. The songs really set the mood for the game. My score: 9.5/10

This game set the standard for Multiplayer action. Lots of the monstrously successful games that have been released by Nintendo have had Multiplayer capabilities. The quick action of Man on man competition can make the hours fly by. The main one player mission mode has 20 areas, each with 3 difficulty levels. I give it 8.5/10

Since this game has 3 main difficulty levels, most gamers should get alot of Replay value out of this. The inclusion of cheats also adds a bit. I've gone thru and beat every level on every difficulty, and got every cheat. It was quite a feat, but it kept me busy for a long time. Then when you get all the neat cheats, you can have loads of fun blowing up bunches of guys, and even be invincible while doing it.. I give it: 9/10

You are James Bond. A few years ago, you were on a mission with fellow agent 006 - Alec Trevalyn (spelling?) There's a mishap, and Alec endsup dead, but you escape. A few years later, you go on another mission, which is to find out who is behind the recent theft of the "Goldeneye" satellite. You do some digging in a few places, and manage a meeting with the stupid punk. it turns out to be ...:::spoiler:::... Alec. Don't ask how. He gets away, and it's up to you to stop him... Score: 9/10

When I first saw this game on a Nintendo Power preview tape from 1996, I didn't know what it was, so I wasn't interested. It wasn't until 1998, when it was released, and covered by NP, that I gave it a chance. I rented it from the nearby video store, and fell in love. I got the game the following Christmas, and played it ever since.

Final thought: 93%. It's a very good game, which fulfills most gamers anticipations. Its just that without people around to play it with, you only get about 2/3 the fun. This game still has a lot of replay with the multiplayer, so it gets a good score.
