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Bionic Commando Review

I bought this game in the last week of 2001. I actually used to use the Bionic Commando ROM file on my computer, but after I played it a while, I just HAD to OWN it! I also bought it because I have been looking for it for years! I remember playing it at my friend's (Kelly's?) house, and always loved it. I think that this game is VERY FUN!

Imagine having a boinic arm, which you can shoot out in front of you about 15 feet, and when you catch hold of ledges, etc., you can swing and dangle around! I think the reason I loved this game is that it is a unique game. I haven't seen anything like it since. If you learn how to use the bionic arm effectivly, you can learn to move fast, and do a few evasive manuevers.

I would rate this game in the [Moderate to Hard] difficulty level. The first 9 stages are more or less training stages. In stages 10 + 11, you must use your bionic arm skills and swing great distances flawlessly to move on without dying. This game takes a good 2 - 3 hours to complete.

This game has decent graphics. It has the usual NES type sprites, with flashes, and falling objects all around. Some troops parachute onto the screen, and the little bonus bullets bounce when they hit the ground. Little upgrades from the usual NES game. I give it 8.5/10

This game has some good music! I personally like the level one song. The rest of the levels are above average. My score: 9/10

Gameplay = good. There are 12 stages in which you battle the bad guys, and 6 or so neutral zones. The first couple battle areas are pretty easy, but once you get to stage 11 and 12, you better hope that you have mastered the art of bionic arm swinging, or else your game will be over. 1-ups are rather uncommon, but if you encounter the enemy trucks between stages, you can earn continues, so your game will probably last forever. This game adds simplicity and difficulty in with fun gameplay, so I give it the best score - 10/10

This game has moderate replay value. The game takes a good 2-3 hours to complete thoroughly, and once you do, you might not want to play it for a while. Come back in a couple weeks/months, and you'll be ready to save the world again!.6.5/10(slightly low)

Super Joe, some super awesome special guy, got captured by some enemy forces, and you must go in and retrieve him.Story is never really worth a score, but: 8/10

This game is worth upwards of 5 to 7 dollars. Buy it if you find it at that price. Check yard sales, flea markets, etc. It's Arm-swinging action! My final score: 85%
