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7/19/02 - Phone line - done. Internet - Done. Car - done. NOw i will start playing starcraft online. MAybe a starcraft section will appear here?.

6/28/02 - I got a boring job, but im raking in the cash. Ill get a phone line and internet in my room, so i'll be online alot more. It'll give me more time to add stuff to this place. Me and the gang went to the movies and saw Scooby Doo. Its not THAT bad. (Gorgeous college girls everywhere, ohhhhh Mary Jane) We're gonna see Powerpuff Girls and MIB II next Saturday. I guess Ill have to make a movie reviews page.

6/4/02 - I turned 18 on May 27th. yay. Now I can:

1. Smoke (if I wanted to)
2. Get my senior license without waiting
4. Get into the nearest Strip Joint.

This is my last update ever from school. This is the seniors' last day, and It's been a blast. I wore my Mario shirt today, and also my Excitebike 64 Jersey, which I won as 1st prize in the Volume 133 Nintendo Power Player's Pulse Poll thingie.....must

5/24/02 - no it just turned 5/25 - I just saw Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Amazing.

5/21/02 - I'm going to see Star Wars on friday!

5/20/01 - I just uploaded two wav files...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon Theme, and The Legend of Zelda Cartoon Theme.

5/19/02 - I went to the prom last night. I'll post the pics whenever the scanner works. I have a program called Goldwave - I guess you could call it an audio editor. I made a wav file which i think is pretty good - I call it..."Duke Nukem meets Mario".

5/14/02 - I've been downloading lots of gifs and jpgs from and I will hopefully come up with a way to display them all. I'm going to the movies on thursay to see..... Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. If we can't get tickets, then we'll see The New Guy, and go back on Saturday to see Star Wars: Episode II. The new featured midi is up - it's another R.C. Pro Am midi. Im not sure if it might be from RC Pro Am 2, but numerous people say its from the continue screen or something. The The Many Faces of Mario page is done, and is posted on the editorial page.

5/8/02 - I made a nice story of what happened on the way to the is is! Spider Man.

5/6/02 - Saw Spider Man yesterday. Stupid little hobag Jeff had to go. It was good tho... I got a Quote!.

5/5/02 - Like my new scrollbar? It blends in nice!

5/4/02 - My attempts to find some NES stuff this weekend were fruitless. I did manage to pick up a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the Movie for $1. In the process of trying to find stuff for the yard sale, my mom found an old Nintendo ski cap with a zelda logo on it!

5/2/02 - number 3! I finally posted the section on SMB 1 - how to get to the Minus World. I'm making an About Me section.

5/1/02 - hello. this is my second consecutive update from school! I am going to another huge track meet on Friday, where I will hopefully break 41 feet in the Triple Jump. I might have some good editorial stuff on Monday. PART 2: I just made a Quotes page: I was surfing some other sites and found a very nice quote that really puts lots of people's thoughts into words...

4/30/02 - I figured out how to post stuff from school!!!!!!!!I found a nice new song for the featured midi. I'll post it when the current one seems old. I made slight wording changes on a few of the game-specific pages, like Mario (1-3), and Contra, and the NES game list.

4/25/02 - I changed the Featured Midi. It's Mega Man 3 again, but this time, the tune that plays when you get a new weapon. I officially posted a Bionic Commando Review. I got almost 600 hits in the last 2 months, pretty good!

4/11/02 - I was messing with my NES roms, and started up RC pro am. the memories started to flow when I heard the intro song, so I decided to post it on the featured midi page so that all you NES enthusiasts can also bring back the memories.

4/10/02 - I posted the Final Fantasy III Coliseum list

4/7/02 - I worked on my M&M VII section a little bit. Made a few changes to the Editorial section, including adding the Cartoons page.

4/3/02 - If you didn't notice yet, this website has been sorta slow, but don't worry, I'm not gonna quit this thing for a while.

3/27/02 - Working on about 8 different pages right now. I'm having trouble completing them, but i'll probably post them anyway. I'm going to put up two pages - a Nintendo Cartoons page, and a Mega Man Cartoon episode list. Next up, a "Many Faces of Mario" page. And then I'll start working on a M&M VII page.

3/25/02 - we can't even check our email from school. I have a plan so that you guys know what has been updated. the page listed here---> New stuff is where I will post what has been added since the last time I updated the main page. It has not been made YET, but be sure to check it out tomorrow, the 26th, at around 1:30 PM.

3/3/02 - I am going to be updating a few things on this site. The first will be a list of Final Fantasy 3 Colleseum stuff. Go to the FF3 page in a couple days to see it. Might do another review. I updated the links page, because the Weedle guy's page no longer exists. I might put some other editorial stuff up too. Check that page out in a couple days too. I got rid of some unneeded stuff on the main page, so it now downloads a bit quicker..

3/2/02 - Yeah, we might be having a 5th Nintendo Marathon. Not really sure yet...see the awesome new Nintendo Marathon logo, courtesy of Mike Bennage - it's about 12K.

2/24/02 - I made a page called Old Nintendo Memorabilia and it is listed on the Editorial page. I updated the Tips for Collecting Nintendo Stuff, because I forgot a major looking spot - Ebay! And, for SOME reason, I got 25 hits in about 4 hours. I think I know where too... I posted a message on the message board of the guy who i borrowed the "Nintendo Marathon" idea from. I think his entire town visits his message board, so a few people clicked through to my site...also...if I make a couple more big updates like I did yesterday, my main page might not be big enough to hold all the major links. I might have to do a little "redesigning"...

2/23/02 - I Updated the "Featured Midi" page. It now features Mega Man 3's Dr. Wily's Stages 3 + 4. I put a link to my fastest F-Zero times on the Top Scores page. I posted "Tips for Collecting NES stuff" under the Editorial section. I posted a link a page listing the many countries that my visitors have come from. I updated my Want List. Also..... This school has gone too far!!! Now my main page is blocked, so I can't tell you what I update very often. I will still do updates, but I can't access the main page to tell you what I did when I do it. I'll update my Top Scores list, and I'll definitely post a few more reviews. I might put up my history of NES, SNES, gameboy and N64 pages. I'll probably have something else too...

2/12/02 - This stupid blocking application on the school server is freekin annoying! I can only access this site on certain computers, and even then, I take the chance of getting caught "doing something bad," and losing my privilages. AHHHH! because of this, updates will be few for a little while, but I've come up with a way to beat the system. I got Doom and Doom II, plus a neato level editor, among other things. I might provide you guys with the new levels I make, once I get to college...