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Final Fantasy


Daniel Johnson


Chris Fenstermacher

     Once upon a Nintendo time, some Light Warriors arrive at Coneria, each holding an orb and gold to purchase weapons, armor, and spells. After leaving Coneria, they go the Temple of Fiend to rescue Princess Sara, but they must defeat Garland to rescue her. The Light Warriors easily defeat garland with their weapons and spells. Then the Light Warriors travel acrossa bridge and go to a town. in the town, they kill the pirates and get the pirate ship. They sail to a town called Elfland. There the Light Warriors discover that Astos, the Dark Elf, has stolen Matoya's crystal of sight. So the Light Warriors go to the Northwest Castle and defeat Astos. On the way to Matoya's cave, they kill a shark. In Matoya's cave, Matoya is mixing a brew in the a cauldren. When the Light Warriors give Matoya her crystal back, Matoya gives the Light Warriors and herb to awaken the elf prince.

     Getting back in the ship, they go to the Earth cave. In the Earth cave, the Light Warriors must defeat Lich, the earth fiend. After they defeat Lich, they light the earth orb. On their way to light the fire orb, the Light Warriors stop at Crescent Lake. The Circle of Sages give the Light Warriors a canoe. they use the canoe to get to Gurgu volcano. To light the fire orb, the Light Warriors must defeat Kary, the fire fiend. After they defeat Kary, they must go to the Ice cave. In the cave, they find the floater, [and likewise, the airship]. After that, the Light Warriors go to a cemetery and defeat some ghosts. Then they find a submarine and head for the Sea Shrine. They defeat Kraken, the water fiend, and light the water orb. The Light Warriors use the airship to get to th Mirage tower,then use the chime to get in. In the tower the Light Warriors defeat Taimat, the fiend of wind, and light the wind orb. Then the Light Warriors go back to the Temple of Fiends to defeat CHAOS!!! Chaos is monstrous in size. The Light Warriors defeat Chaos and get the best ending, guess what it was, Frankenstein eating candy corn.

     And by the way, you are one of the the Light Warriors.

I can't believe i even contributed this thing, really. I was only 11. :(