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Tobin's Northern High School Picture Archive

yes, that's me, undoctored.

Welcome to the NHS picture archive from your's truly, me! You'll find most of these pictures are from band or chorus, which is because they tend to have more social gatherings. But don't worry, I get shots from as many people as possible, so enjoy!

If you have any pictures that you want the world to see, please send them to me at

The archive of pictures

Higher Quality Recent photos

The news page

Update 3-29-03 "The play is up, better!"
I'm now putting up higher quality pictures using a 50megs account. Most of the pictures should now be about half as pixelated. So, I'm going to take down the play picture on my Angelfire account.
Click here to go to my 50megs account

Update 3-08-03 "The play is up!"
I just got all the pictures from the play up! They might be a wee bit pixelated, but go check them out! hit the archives section right now!

Update 9-02-02 "I think Band Camp is finished."
I just got some pictures from Laura to put up, so I did. I updated all the band camp pages, so be sure to check them all out.

The archive of pictures


Jim's NHS photo page-a page similar to mine only from a different photographer, my buddy Jim


My Message Board


Existential comics-My other Website.