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August 7th, 1971

Headline for today:Eighty-five year old Taizo Ishizaka, president of the 13th World Jamboree, greets four-year old Mishal Faissal Al of Kuwait, mascot of the Jamboree
Saturday the Jamboree restarted after the past two days of wind, rain, and flooding. The schedule from Friday, which was postphoned picked up with the "Big Parade", where scouts from most of the 87 nations participated.

Also that night there was an international arena show, but I rcall that I didn't attend. Our campsite was still a big muddy mess from the storm and after the parade our troop went back to finish the cleanup.

Parade Photos

Performance by US Scouts in the parade

Irish scouts

Japanese scouts in formation at the center circle

UK Scouts

Japanese scouts marching

Aerial photo of the parade.

Korean Scouts in the parade.

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