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Jamboree Momentoes VIII

Opening Day Jamboree Postcard

Gilbert & Ellice Islands Scout Badge

Trinadad & Tobago Scout Badge

South African Boy Scout Patches

Ceylon Boy Scout Patch

Hong Kong 1971 Boy Scout Jamboree Patch

Indian Boy Scout Patches

Japanese Boy Scout Beret

Japanese Boy Scout Beret Interior

Japanese Boy Scout Belt

Close-up of Belt Buckle

World Bureau Scouting Patches

Taiwan Scout Pin

Venture Scout Patch

French Scouting Patches

Israeli Scouting Patches

Pluau Phiang Scout Badge

Alternate USA Contingenant Neckerchief

Singapore & New Zeland Scout Badges

Phillipine Contingent Welcome Program

Washington DC City Strip

USA Contingent Souvineir Coin

Thailand Scout Badges

Cook Islands Scout Badge

Hong Kong Scout Badge

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