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Stephanie McMahon

[~*The Most Dominant female SM*~]
[~*The Most Dominat Female SMH*~]
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~{..*Brains Beauty And Sometimes Bitch!!!*..}~

.::The Scene opens up at the arena and the fans are cheering for the WWE.The Cameras goes to ring side where The King and Jim Ross are sitting there talking.::

oh my god JR did you I got some good news from my source!?...Stephanie McMahon The Billion Dollar Princess has finally come back to the WWE if my sources are right, Ms. McMahon will be out her soon.!

King calm down if you keep this up your gonna have a heart attack when she comes on the screen.

Ok ok ok but shh i think were gonna get to see her pretty soon....yipee!

.::JR sighs When all of a sudden "My Time" hits the Pa System and the fans in Tampa are on the feet.Stephanie comes out onto the stage and the fans get louder.::.

.:: Stephanie stands on top of the stage.20,000 plus are on their feet for the most dominate female in sport ent. today.

.:: Stephanie grabs a mic and begans to speak. When she tries to speak the fans are stil cheering. Stephanie has a smile on her face. Stephanie tries to talk again.With a huge grin on her face.

Thank You Thank You Everyone. It's True I'm Back. And I am here to do some good! I want to bring one lucky WWE Superstar to the top of this company. I want to give that person the chance torise to the top and win the WWE championship! If aone would like my managerial skills then they can just walk right down here and accept my proposition!

.::Stephanie waits for someone to come down.

~{..*Stephanie Mcmahon Helmsly..The Billion Dollar Princess*..}~

The Most dominant female