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One of my Mother's brothers was Uncle Gus who lived in the USA. He and his son Pano came to visit us and stayed with us for one month.They had a Polaroid camera and we all thought that it was a great invention, giving us instant photos. As they were leaving to return to the US, I said that I would like to come over and visit them.
About that time I heard that an American Olympic athlete was visiting Moshi. I found him on an athletic field. His name was Bob Mathias, a decathlon winner and he showed us various athletic skills. Very nice person he was and he told me some things about the USA. The following week, I wrote to Uncle Gus and he told me to perhaps enter the USA on a student visa. I immediately started driving to the nearest American Consulate which was in Nairobi. I went for my visa, passport papers, etc. On one my trips to the Consulate, I was driving and had to quickly stop the car when I saw a lot of dust on the road ahead. Turned out that a large herd of elephants was crossing the road. I waited about 40 minutes and proceeded to drive to my destination, having to zig zag on that part of the road to avoid the large piles of elephant dung that they had deposited.

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